083 - Rebecca Rushton The Blister Expert

Rebecca Rushton is a Podiatrist in Esperance, Western Australia, with a modest population of 12,000 people, and the next closest podiatrist to Rebecca is about 400km away. Even though Rebecca lives in a tiny town, she has found an area of podiatry that she is genuinely passionate about. That area of interest is BLISTER treatment and prevention.

I would go even as far as to say that there would be very few Podiatrists in the world that would know more about treating and preventing blisters than Rebecca Rushton.  

On this episode we discuss:

  • What causes blisters (how this is not understood entirely / definition of friction)
  • Why it's essential to involve blister prevention in treating blisters (don't just whack a bandaid on it)
  • Different preventions work better depending on anatomic location.

We also talk about why she loves living in such a remote area and the benefits you get from being a well-rounded general podiatrist. 

Here are the links and pages mentioned on the podcast

If you have any questions about this episode, please send me an email at email/tf)(tysonfranklin.com 

Facebook Page & Group

Facebook Page: Podiatry Legends Podcast - This is where I post each podcast episode and information regarding podiatry events around the world.

Facebook Group: Podiatry Business Owners Club - This is for podiatry business owners, and where I add my business and marketing videos. 

Podiatry Business Coaching & Mentoring

If you want to own and operate a Thriving Podiatry Business you've got to work on four specific areas of your business. 

  • Marketing - You need to have a proper, well thought out strategy
  • Systems - You need systems that will support both your marketing and your team.
  • Team - You need to develop a culture that makes your life easier, not harder
  • Diary - This is the backbone. Your diary needs to be structured in a way that maximises patient number per day and in turn, will increase your daily profits. 

Thinking you can just work on one part or maybe two out of four areas and still do well is no longer good enough, you must develop all four pieces of the business puzzle.

If you want to join one of my upcoming Group Coaching Programs or discuss one-on-one Business Coaching & Mentoring, please email me at email/tf)(tysonfranklin.com, and we can set up a Zoom Call and have a quick chat and see where I can help.  

Newsletter & Events 

Please sign up for my NEWSLETTER if you'd like to know more about upcoming EVENTS, I promise not to spam you with daily emails telling you how great I am.

My Book

It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. In Australia, you can order directly from my website, but if you live overseas, I would suggest Amazon or the Book Depository.

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