This week's podcast episode is a solo show where I review my most recent USA trip, visiting Interstate Music in Wisconsin, catching up with a few cool Podiatrists in Illinois, and attending my favourite business event on the calendar, Business Black Ops in Tempe, Arizona.
So, let me explain what prompted this episode,
Before COVID, I usually visited the United States at least once per year, sometimes twice, depending on what was on, so this was my first overseas trip in almost three years, and I'll admit, I was pretty excited to leave the country.
And instead of just enjoying the trip, which was both a holiday to catch up with friends and also work-related, as I was attending my favourite event on the calendar, Business Black Ops, I decided to approach this trip a little differently.
Normally when I travel, I just take each day as it comes; however, this trip, I decided to approach it differently; I was going to approach each day with INTENT…with some type of purpose.
My intent was to learn or experience something new each and every day that could be applied to having a better business, a better life…or simply to put a bloody big smile on my face because it was a new experience.
I was also thinking, what could I share from my trip that would make you say, YEAH, that was good.
This may come as no surprise, but I always have fun when I travel; however, approaching each day with intent made my trip even more enjoyable and also more memorable.
Document the Trip
At the end of each day, I would document what I learnt or took away from the day. I must admit it was fun reflecting back on the day as well.
My total travel time from leaving home to arriving at my hotel in Brookfield, Wisconsin, was 34 HOURS. Once in the US, I had a 6-hour layover in LA before flying 4.5 hours from LA to Chicago. I had another 2.5-hour layover in Chicago before flying to Milwaukee.
A lot of people asked, why are you going to Milwaukee, of all places? Well. To shed light on this, I was catching up with a good friend Jeff Peterson who owns an online music business, Interstate Music…You can check them out online.
Jeff had organised two of his team to meet me at the airport and take me to my hotel. A big shout out to Hunter and Grace for doing that; THANK YOU.
Communication Breakdown
When we got to the hotel, I had to wait for about two and a bit hours for my room, AND here is my first big takeaway.
Now, I totally understand that rooms cannot always be ready when you arrive, and sometimes delays happen, but I was initially told to take a seat, it wouldn't be too long…but when you've just travelled 34 hours…waiting over 2-hours feels like forever.
The manager eventually said there was a problem because the room wasn't booked using a corporate booking, if they had, I would have got my room sooner.
In my head, I'm thinking what's the difference? And I know that Jeff had booked my accommodation using a corporate card. I came to learn afterwards that the hotel had been taken over by a new management company, and there was a definite breakdown in communication between reservations and the Front Desk.
Learning Opportunity
Anyway, I don't get angry or frustrated in these situations. Instead, I choose to use them as learning opportunities.
Firstly, there was no apology, not that I wanted one, but Jeff uses this hotel a lot, I mean he is an ideal customer, and it wasn't the first time they had made this error. He deserved an apology.
I know in any business, there can sometimes be a breakdown in communications between various departments, or even in a small podiatry business between the podiatrist and receptionist.
But when an obvious mistake happens, and you know it's the business's fault…. own up to it and ask, 'what can we do to make it right?'
Secondly, it was obvious I was not local, and travelling from Australia was going to be a long flight.
I think as a hotel they should attempt to be more aware of where their customers are travelling from and try to make some allowances for this.
In my podiatry business, we always paid attention to how far our patients were travelling because the last thing you wanted to do was NOT make some allowances when a patient may have travelled two or more hours to see you. You can't assume they all live around the corner.
What was funny, while I was waiting for my room, I went for a walk to a local grocery store (Whole Foods Market) and the guy that served me said, 'are you from Australia'…I said yes….his response was you must be tired after such a long trip.
I told him he should work at the hotel…and we laughed.
Good Friends
So, as I mentioned before, my reason for visiting Milwaukee was to meet up with a friend Jeff Peterson who owns an online music business called Interstate Music.
Jeff and I met each through podcasting about 6-years ago and have become very good friends; however, we had never actually met in person, so it was great to finally meet him face to face.
When I arrived, Jeff had organised for me to be picked up at the airport and taken to the hotel, and he also asked some of his team to take me to the baseball.
I had never been to a live baseball game before, so I was quite excited, even though I was tired. By the time I got in my room, I had dumped my bags, had a quick shower, and I was off again.
The Milwaukee Brewers were playing the Arizona Diamondbacks, which was far better than expected.
Now I've heard people say baseball is boring, and here is an important point. I could have said NO to going to the baseball because people say it's boring, and I was actually really tired, but sometimes you just have to say YES and see what happens. I was so glad I did because it was amazing.
The crowd was having a lot of fun. I watched people dressed up as sausages do a human wiener race, which was a little odd.
Now, let me explain what happened and how the game unfolded.
Playing Not to Lose
The home team was up by one going into the 9th and final innings. I'll just point out it was a low-scoring game so to be up by one was a good position to be in, and the home team was batting second.
But, going into the 9th innings, I noticed that the home team played not to lose instead of playing to win.
While they played it safe, the other team played with desperation because they needed to if they wanted to win the game. In the end, playing safe and trying not to lose cost the Brewers the game.
But this doesn't happen just in sports; I've seen this in business as well.
Happens in Business
A business thinks they don't need to keep pushing as hard as they have previously because they think they've made it. They feel they can coast for a while, BUT (and here's the takeaway) if you stop doing what made you successful in the first place, it will have an impact on your future successes.
Another thing that was really cool at the baseball was the crowd singing at the end of the 7th innings. I was told it's a tradition, and the whole crowd got involved.
By the way, usually, when I do a podcast with a guest, I also record the video and upload it to my YouTube channel…Tyson E Franklin – Podiatry Business Coach.
What I'm doing with this episode is after I record the audio, I'm going to convert it into a video and add a lot of my photos from my trip, including the Weiner race and crowd signing, so if you want to check it out just go to my YouTube Channel- Tyson E Franklin and if you like what you see, click SUBSCRIBE and also click the bell icon so you'll be informed whenever I upload a new video.
Positive Team
Another takeaway from the day was how positive Jeff's Team was and how much they adored him as an employer. And it wasn't just because he gave them the afternoon off and paid for the tickets to go to the baseball, which was pretty cool for him to do, there was genuine respect.
If you currently employ people, how do they talk about you?
Is it positive? Do they respect you and respect the business?
Do you enjoy each other's company, or do you have an employer/employee culture, and the two shall not mix? I think having a great relationship with your team inside and outside work is important.
Maybe that's just me.
Shout-Out to the Team
I also want to take this opportunity to give a big shout-out to Hunter, Grace, Sam, aka Hot Chowder Nipples, Ryan, Mindy, Kailey and Trish for making the afternoon at the baseball and my time at Interstate Music memorable for all the right reasons.
Can you believe that was my first day? I will admit I was tired and needed sleep.
On day two, I went to the Interstate Music head office with Jeff, who showed me around the studio and business. It was an amazing setup, and I'm surprised anyone goes home. It was quite noticeable that Jeff's Team enjoyed their work environment.
I can't stress enough the importance of making your workplace an enjoyable and positive environment; this is exactly what I did with my podiatry business.
At Proarch, we had superhero-themed rooms and our staff room theme was Margaritaville. It was a fun place to hang out. The staff room was also a safe place to work. No one was to talk about work or ask any work questions when in Margaritaville.
If you think about it, your team probably spends as much time at your offices as they do at home.
For some, it's a second home, so if you don't want them running out the door as soon as work finishes, improve the work environment and give them a reason to stay.
Interstate Music
At Interstate Music, there is not only a full music studio but also an area that holds up to 200 people where performers can come in and perform live. Fortunately for me, on my second evening, Jeff had flown in singer-songwriters Mark Nesler and Tony Martin from Nashville, Tennessee.
You may not have heard of them, but they've written songs for Keith Urban, Garth Brooks and a ton of other country performers and, between them, have written a string of #1 hit songs. There was a real chemistry between the two of them, which explains why they write so well and have had so many successful songs.
I think this is important to remember, when you're collaborating with someone, the chemistry has got to be right, and it cannot be forced.
It was a great night watching them perform together, but what made the songs even more special was when they explained the stories behind the songs; it gave each song more meaning and made it more personal.
I think it's important for everyone to work on their storytelling skills. If you can do this, you will connect with your patients and customers much deeper.
Give them examples of what has happened to you previously and how that has shaped your career as a podiatrist. Share success stories of patients following your advice and the positive outcomes they received.
Also, share the stories of patients that didn't follow your advice and what the consequences were. You can easily do this without divulging any names or personal details.
Another takeaway from this evening was after Tony and Mark finished performing, and we were hanging around afterwards, Tony Martin told a story about someone who came up to him at an event and said, I write my own music as well, and Tony said that's great, here's my guitar, play me something.
Their response was, I don't have anything right now.
And this was Tony's point; "If you're a songwriter, you write every day; it's a passion, not just a part-time hobby.
That story blew me away because it reminded me of a few past conversations I've had with podiatrists over the years that have told me they want to have a successful podiatry business, and they'll often ask what advice I would give them to fast-track their business success.
How Serious Are You?
To them, it's a simple question, so I'll ask them how serious they are about having a successful podiatry business, and their response is always very serious.
So I tell them the best thing they could do right now to have a successful podiatry business is to have a business coach, and what would be better than a business coach would be a podiatry business coach, and if you want to take it one step further, I would say do one-on-one business coaching with me.
And you'll need to be prepared to set aside a few hours per week to do some work.
When I tell them this, you can see this glaze come over their eyes because this is not the answer they were looking for.
They want a shortcut. They want that one marketing tactic to bring in 100 new patients monthly. The problem is, even if there was one tactic (or text message) – let me just call bullshit on that, if your business is not set up correctly, you are going to attract 100 new patients into a disaster zone, and you will be wasting both time and money.
The problem is a lot of podiatrists, and other business owners, want a successful business, but as soon as you tell them they will need to invest some money and also some of their time, they're not interested.
I always say, if you're not prepared to invest in yourself, don't expect anyone else to be invested in you, and if you're only chasing free advice, which is a great place to start, it will only take you so far.
Invest in YourSelf
Ask honest to yourself, do you have a podiatry business, or is it a podiatry hobby?
Anyway, Tony also told a story about his brother (don't quote me on the facts here). His brother was recording a song that he was hoping would be picked up by a major record company, and after he finished the song, he got distracted by Tony and forgot to press stop, so the recording continued way after he had finished.
Tony asked his brother if he could play him something that he had been working on. His brother said yes, and Tony's song ended up on the back end of the recording. The record company heard Tony's song, and it became his first hit single.
Here's my takeaway:
Keep recording and documenting what you do, as you never know when it will be worthwhile. You don't know who will read what you wrote, listen to something you recorded or watch one of your videos.
No different to why I decided to document my trip. There could be something I say on this particular recording which could be that one thing that lights the fire in your belly.
This is why I also have a brain book where I store all my notes from events, workshops, and personal thoughts and ideas. Sometimes I'll write something in my brain book, and it's a little vague and often doesn't make a lot of sense, but when I read it years later, it sparks new ideas.
Mark and Tony mentioned a lot of their songs didn't become hits until decades after writing them, so it's important to remember it's all about the timing.
Sometimes you can have a great idea for your business, but it was just the wrong time. It doesn't mean it's a bad idea. Keep it for later, and the best place to put it, so it's never lost, is in your Brain book.
Day 3
I went back into Interstate Music and did a fun podcast episode with Jeff Peterson, which will be out in the next month on the Podiatry Legends Podcast and also Jeff's podcast, Fuelling the Tank.
Jeff's podcast studio is state-of-the-art, and if you watch my YouTube video of this episode, you'll see what I mean. In case you need a reminder…. just look for Tyson E Franklin – Podiatry Business Coach.
Fish Fry Friday
Another very cool thing I noticed they did in Wisconsin that I had never seen before was Fish Fry Friday.
It's a well know and beloved Wisconsin tradition. Even though fish is popular during Lent, in Wisconsin, it has become a Friday tradition every week, and it also has something to do with Wisconsin being settled heavily by Catholics of German and Polish descent.
Basically, hundreds of restaurants only serve fish on Fridays. And it is some of the best fish I have tasted. We went to a very cool German Restaurant called Kegels Inn, and as we arrived, they had traditional German music playing outside the venue.
Day 4
On day four, I checked out my hotel, and once again, there were obvious management problems, but I won't go into it again. Just remember, get everyone in your business to communicate with each other.
Anyway, that night I went to a concert with Elle King (X's and O's), she was the supporting act for Chris Stapleton, the featured performer.
It was a great concert, but what blew me away more was there were 18000 people jammed packed in the Fiserv Forum stadium, home of the Milwaukee Bucks Basketball Team, and after he completed his full set and also one encore, I can honestly say I did not know one of his songs.
AND…it goes to show you don't need to be known by everyone to be successful. Being a big fish in a small pond can often pay big dividends, even though the United States is a big pond.
Day 5
After moving out of the hotel, I decided to stay in a bed and breakfast to experience something a little different, which I hadn't done before, and I will admit it was really out of my comfort zone.
It was an old 100-year-old mansion, and I arrived at night, and to be honest, it scared the shit out of me. However, in the daylight, it was a beautiful old place, and the owners were really nice but I think I'm more suited to hotels
However, it's important to try new things.
Glenview, Illinois
On day five, I jumped on a train and travelled about an hour south to Glenview, Illinois, which is about 25 minutes north of Chicago, to meet Rimi Statkus (wife Stephanie), Patrick McEneaney, and Pete Lovato.
Rimi and Patrick had both been on the Podiatry Legends Podcast before.
Rimi was on Episode 114: Australian Podiatrist Does DPM, and Patrick has been on four times; the most recent episode was 214 – What to Look for When Buying A clinic, which has already gone over 1000 downloads.
Once again, we had never met in person, and this is the power of podcasting or at least making an effort to connect with other people online in our profession.
I always tell podiatrists that if you've heard a guest on the podcast and want to get to know them more, reach out to them and introduce yourself. I'm yet to have a guest that I do not think is approachable.
I have a quote on my office wall saying, "your next connection could be the one that changes your life". And I believe this, so get connected.
Two-Hour Wait
Remember when I mentioned poor communication at the hotel? Well, when I was getting the train back to Milwaukee, which was supposed to depart at 8.27 pm, the train didn't arrive until 10.30 pm, just over 2-hours late.
When I got to the station, many people were waiting for the train, but as the hours went on, people began to leave. Initially, I received an email saying there would be a slight delay, and then that was it…nothing else.
I had no choice I had to stay, I didn't have anywhere else to go. I did reach out to Rimi and jokingly told him that he may be getting a late-night visitor, but eventually, the train did turn up. When it did, there was only me and one other person.
Have you ever had a patient complain because they got sick of waiting?
Communication is the key, and regular updates are very important. It's fine to say the podiatrist is running late, but you must give the patient a rough idea of how long they will have to wait and, if you need to, pop your head in the podiatry room for updates.
Remember, your patients have a life as well.
Day 6
On day six, I caught up with another couple, Poppy and Geoff Spencer, for lunch, and once again, I had only known them through podcasting and connecting online as well.
When I went to the baseball, I posted a photo on Instagram, which they saw and reached out to me. Once again, it made me realise how social media makes the world a very small place.
After lunch, I visited the Rock Bottom Brewery for a couple of beers, and one of the things I wanted to do when I was in Milwaukee was to get a photo with the Fonz statue. Another item ticked off my to-do list.
If you're too young to remember the Fonz, he was a character on Happy Days, set in Milwaukee.
Overall, I didn't plan day six very well, and I ended up back at the B&B quite early, which shows that winging it, which I often do on some travel days, does not always work.
Day 7
Day seven finally arrived, which meant I was off to Tempe, Arizona, for my Business Black Ops event, which was the underlying purpose of this trip.
Stand Behind What You Say
I booked my flight with Southwest Airlines, which I had never flown with before, and it concerned me a little, but as I was boarding, I saw a poster that said, "Southwest Airlines, flying with a smile", which they delivered upon.
Every crew member was friendly, and it was a fantastic flight.
I think if you're going to say something in your marketing, make sure you deliver; otherwise, it will reflect poorly on your business. Have you ever been to a business that says fast service or something similar, and they keep you waiting? How does it make you feel?
So be very aware of what you say in your marketing. If you say you have a highly trained team…make sure they are highly trained.
Good Friends
Anyway, when I arrived at Tempe Mission Palms, where Business Black Ops was being held, it was great to catch up with everyone I hadn't seen for three years because of COVID.
And you know when you've got good friends because you can continue the conversations from exactly where you left off last time, and there's never any awkwardness.
I also want to point out that Tempe Mission Palms is one of my favourite hotels worldwide.
A lot of people ask why I like it so much, and it's because of the staff. They are friendly, and no request ever seems to be a bother; plus, I've been visiting this place since 2015, and it's great to see the same staff, even after a three-year unexpected absence.
Stop Staff Turnover
And here is my big takeaway for the day. If you have high staff turnover, try to find out why this is happening because for patients, just like me visiting a hotel, there's comfort in seeing a familiar face.
Of course, sometimes it is out of your control, and team members move away for various reasons, but often high turnover can be caused by having poor recruitment strategy, inadequate training, no team or business morale, or the business owner is not nice to work for.
I know some team members will leave because of money, but from my experience, this was rare, and to be honest, I never had a team member leave over money.
So, remember, if your patients, especially the ones that may only visit your business yearly, have to see a new podiatrist every time they visit, you've got to find a solution for this.
Onto day eight: Business Black Ops is a three-day event running from Thursday to Saturday; however, they also run an invite-only VIP DAY on Wednesday before the official event starts, usually to cover specific information that will be covered over the three days, but at a much higher level of thinking, so it is a much smaller group on Wednesday.
Talk about takeaways…my god, where do I start.
Every year, Dave Frees, Alex Frees, and Dr Dave Weinman deliver amazing content, and this year was no exception; however, there was a new face delivering some of the information, Former CIA Field Officer Andrew Bustamante. his business is called Everyday Spy.
What Makes My Coaching Different
Podiatrists often ask me what makes me different to most podiatry business coaches, and the simple answer is I attend events that most podiatry business coaches wouldn't attend, and over the last decade, I have developed a network of really clever friends that I constantly learn and bounce ideas around with.
As I've said before, if you're looking for a podiatry business coach that coaches differently and produces results, please email me at , and let's organise a zoom call to talk.
Big Takeaways
Okay, without going into too many specifics, here are some of the big takeaways from day eight, the VIP DAY.
- Your brain over-values losses and under-values wins.
- People don't remember your losses, they only remember your wins.
- The more attempts you take, the luckier you'll be.
Sense Making – Avoid, Compete, Cooperate - It's a process everyone goes through when they first meet someone. It could be a stranger on an elevator or a new patient meeting you for the first time.
Sense-making is all about working out if the person is a Threat or a Non-Threat.
As I said, it's a process we all go through, and when you understand how it works, it's a game changer for improving your communication skills, patient compliance, and acceptance of your treatment plans.
If any of my coaching clients are listening to this, expect to be blown away in our next few sessions.
Great Hosts
That evening, Peyman and Viedra Ellison, who has been on the podcast (Ep: 045 – Developing Passion & Culture in Your Podiatry Business), invited the VIP group to their house for Paella. Geez, it was good…and there's nothing better than spending time with people you love hanging with.
I would say that the hospitality Peyman and Viedra showed us is the same they show their team, which is why they have a great podiatry business.
Day 9 Business Black Ops (Day 1)
Proficiency Model
Day nine was the official first day of Business Black Ops, where the whole group came together.
Once again, we covered a lot of information, but one of the highlights for me was the Proficiency Model and how the CIA used it to speed up their training process.
Often, podiatrists will employ a new graduate, and they have a very slow training process, that's if they even have a training process at all, and the new graduate is given all the crappy work the more senior podiatrists no longer want to do.
The new graduate starts to lose their skills and confidence, but then the employer will slowly start to give them better quality patients and try to increase their productivity, and eventually, after about 18 months, the recent graduate starts to become profitable and make the business some money….and then, suddenly, they leave, and the business owner gets the shits.
There is a better way, and this is where the Proficiency Model comes in and also finding the right people (team members) with the right skill set.
Fast Track
Imagine taking a new graduate and, within three months, having them perform as well as, if not better, than someone who had been with you for five years. This is exactly what I used to do with my podiatry team: if I could do it, so can you.
Day 10 Business Black Ops (Day 2)
On day ten, we dug deep into the Know-Like Trust Model and how it related to Buyer's Remorse and for podiatrists, potentially unhappy patients, or patients that never return to complete their treatment plan or pick up their orthotics.
We also discussed inconsistency and how inconsistency kills trust.
In my book - It's no Secret, There's money in Podiatry (if you don't have a copy by now, what have you been waiting for), I talk a lot about consistency.
For example, you go to a hairdresser and get offered a coffee, but the next time you visit, you don't, and then the next time you do. This type of inconsistency is a killer.
I always say if you can't deliver the same service each and every time a patient visits your podiatry business, then don't do it.
Do you offer coffee, tea, or maybe just water in your business? Do you offer it every time or only if the patient is early, or only when you're not busy?
If you cannot offer it consistently, don't offer it at all.
In my podiatry business waiting area, we had a small fridge with a glass door, fully stocked with water bottles and EVERY TIME a patient arrived, we would tell them to help themselves if they needed a drink.
Most patients said thank you and grabbed a bottle.
Intelligence Gathering
So, we also spoke about Intelligence Gathering and why you should gather information about your competition, especially if you can use this to help your patients better.
Intelligence gathering is not about obsessing over them but being aware of what they are doing, and if you know you're better in a particular area or delivering a specific treatment, then you should go after it.
My Presentation
I was also invited to speak on the second day. My presentation was titled, What Will Your Revenue Be in the Future and How Can You Get There Faster?
Everyone said they loved it, which is always good to hear because I put a lot of hours into putting it together. I will do this presentation again as a webinar in the not-too-distant future, so keep an eye out for it.
Dave's Ranch - Cave Creek
In the afternoon, and we do this every year, we jump on a bus and head out to Dave Frees Ranch in Cave Creek, which is about 32 miles or just over 52 kilometres from Phoenix. At the ranch, and as a group, we discussed Essential Business Functions that need your attention.
- Marketing
- Accounting
- Sales
- HR
- Retention
- Fulfilment
- Customer Service
- Systems Development
- Pricing, etc.
You need to review your pricing regularly and don't use the excuse that my patients wouldn't pay that or I live in a low socio-economic area. These are just excuses.
In the evening, Dave usually brings in a caterer, and we eat under the stars in the desert, which is a truly memorable experience. So many stars.
Play Guitars
We also pull out the guitars and have a bit of a bash around the fire. I'm not the best guitar player, but I do my best to keep up with the Foster brothers, Tom and Chad Foster.
It had been three years since I had played the guitar with these guys, and I had the best intentions to get better, BUT I left my run a little too late.
And that was a good lesson. It made me realise if you really want to get better at something, you've got to block out time to get it done; otherwise, STUFF gets in the way…life happens. You've got to make it a priority.
So now, I've got guitar practice blocked in my schedule, and I will rock the desert in 2023.
DAY 11 (Business Black Ops (Day 3)
Day eleven was the final day of BBO, and we discussed Price Elasticity and the value through the eyes of the consumer.
They used STARBUCKS as an example. Basically, Starbucks sells coffee, just like many other coffee shops. Coffee is their product, but then they add SERVICE; they create a common language, like Tall and Grande, and around this, they build a community, and a culture.
What starts out as a simple cup of coffee becomes so much more; therefore, they can charge more, and people don't complain. So, it all starts with the product, and then you build on it over time.
How does this relate to podiatry?
It relates in so many ways. For example, most podiatrists make orthotics, just like I did. That's the product, but how you deliver it is part of your service (I made them within 24 hours). I also gave my orthotics a name (Proarch Foot Supports), which you could only get at Proarch Podiatry.
What other products or services do you deliver? Build on them over time.
On the final day, Master Som Sikdar – who is a 6th Dan Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do and co-owner of Dragon Gym, did a talk titled The Fury of the Patient Man, which was brilliant.
The biggest takeaway for me had to do with passion. Som said Passion is a willingness to suffer for what you are passionate about, and if you create systems in your business based on your passion, they will fail because your team don't want to suffer. THAT MAKES SENSE.
I did an episode about why podiatrists are leaving the profession, and most of them mentioned how much they were overworked by their employers. Yes, some mentioned money, but for most it was the intensity of the work.
I've heard some employers say, well, in my day, they would go on to explain how poorly they were treated as new graduates and feel they must do the same to their employees.
Then they will say, well, it wouldn't bother them if they were passionate. I don't think this is necessarily true.
Weak Point Training
Another thing Som mentioned was Weak Point Training - Do what you like least first and often.
For example, in Muay Thai, my right kick and elbow are not as accurate or powerful as my left, so when I go to the gym now to do my own training, I will do 100 right kicks and 100 right elbows before I do anything else.
This also applies to business as well…unless you're eliminating it.
Som also discussed picking a good coach. His example was martial arts, but choosing a good business coach or any coach is the same.
- They are doing it or have done it
- Ability to explain the what and the why
- They have produced results in others.
Find Your Group
Overall, it was an amazing four days at Business Black Ops, AND I think it is important to find a group of people that you feel comfortable with and can be yourself with.
This is why I attend BBO every year and will continue to do so. For you, it could be a specific podiatry event or another event outside the profession.
Keep searching until you find that group of people that is uplifting and inspires you, and you look forward to spending time with them.
It could be a small group of individuals if it's not a group. Maybe you can be the catalyst and can pull them together for an inspirational weekend once a year.
I think this is exactly how Business Black Ops was created with Dave Frees and Dr Dave Weiman.
I returned to Cave Creek for a few days with Dave and Alex Frees.
We had breakfast at the Wagon Wheel Restaurant, which is a café connected to a mechanics shop. It was a little rustic, but the food wasn't too bad at all, and it made me realise there are no limitations on what you can combine and make work; it just takes a little thought.
Add Something
With your podiatry business, what can you add or bring in that may seem odd but works?
Of course, many podiatry clinics have footwear and other footcare items, but I know of one podiatry clinic that added a coffee shop to the front of their business.
Could you have an area in your business where you sell motivational and positive thinking books? Hardcopy books were dying out, but they have made a resurgence, and personally, there's nothing better than holding a real book, even though I also read digital versions.
Maybe you could develop affiliate links on your website? Once again, give it some thought.
While I was in Cave Creek, I also decided to shoot a few videos, which I uploaded to my YouTube Channel, Tyson E Franklin - Podiatry Business Coach.
The first video was titled, the longer you take, the less chance you have of doing it.
The Brisket Master
That night we went to Peyman and Viedra's place again for a 14-hour smoked brisket. Peyman is the brisket master, and I have tried to smoke a brisket a few times myself, all unsuccessfully, I may add, which proves, just like many other things in life, it takes time and a lot of practice to master it.
Imagine if smoking a brisket was really easy and anyone could do it perfectly right from the get-go; it would take away the mystique.
No different to setting up a successful podiatry business, it takes time to master the basics, but when you do, it will pay dividends.
Day 13 (Cave Creek)
On day thirteen, we visited Dutch Bros Coffee.
We went through the drive-through and were greeted with a big smile and a very enthusiastic "hello, friends" from the young lady in the window. She was also wearing a t-shirt that said positive vibes since 1992.
If you take a look at the Dutch Bros website, this is all part of their brand and training; however, you still need to hire the right people to deliver that welcome just the way you want it.
I doubt they would hire just anybody to greet their customers, but unfortunately, that's exactly what some podiatry businesses do. They do not realise the importance of that first interaction for the patient.
Just think about why you ordered a coffee.
You may just like coffee, or you may be looking for a bit of a pick-me-up in the morning or throughout the day, and when you're greeted with "hello, friends", it definitely adds a positive note to the whole coffee experience.
Hire the Right People
Ask yourself, do you have the right people at your front counter greeting your patients?
Are they greeting your patients enthusiastically, or are they a little flat? More importantly, have you trained your front receptions on exactly how you want your patients to be greeted?
When a patient arrives at your podiatry business for the first time, you want it to be memorable for all the right reasons, and it needs to be consistent. I would guarantee that we could visit Dutch Bros fifty times, and the greeting would be the same.
As we drove off with big smiles on our faces, I said to Dave, if I had a podiatry business here in Arizona, I would have offered her a job in a heartbeat. Dave agreed.
Always Be in Recruitment Mode
So here is another takeaway, you should always be on the lookout for new team members. Don't wait until you desperately need one before you start looking. Always be in recruitment mode.
Don't wait until you need water before you dig the well. Start building relationships now.
One of our receptionists came from a local physiotherapy clinic, and I pretty much worked on her for two years, dropping hints that when she was ready to leave, let me know, and then, suddenly, she was ready.
The second video I shot for YouTube was about the service and greeting at Dutch Bros Coffee - lessons learnt from Dutch Bros coffee.
Day 14 (Cave Creek)
So, day fourteen was my last day, and even though I had an exceptional trip and learnt many things, I was ready to head home; however, I still have a few more takeaways to share.
For lunch, we went to The Grotto Café, next to the Red Truck Trading Company, which is a consignment furniture shop like nothing I have seen before.
What I found interesting was how well the two businesses fed off of each other, and there was an occasional cross-post on their social media pages, so as an outsider, I would assume they know each other well.
Look at the Businesses Around You
I think it's important, especially when looking for a new location, to take note of the surrounding businesses and think of ways to work together. I know some podiatrists get excited if there's a Physio or Chiro nearby, but realistically how often do they refer?
Years ago, I did have a few Physio's and Chiro's that used to refer a lot of patients to my business, but as time went on, the referrals slowly decreased, and when I talk to podiatrists now, most say the referrals are very few and far between, so maybe a different type of business would be a better fit.
Considering what I said before about introducing something unique into your business, like motivational books, coffee, etc., imagine also locating your business in an area surrounded by unique businesses with a lot of foot traffic.
Thank You
So, if you've got this far, thank you for reading. I hope you've enjoyed what I shared, and you found some of my takeaways useful for your business. I do think travelling with intent, or the intent of wanting to learn something new every day, made my trip far more enjoyable and memorable.
And as I said previously, I knew Business Black Ops would be amazing for me, my one-on-one coaching clients and the next group in my upcoming 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot starting in February 2023.
By the way, if you've thought about registering for the 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot, get on board. The first reboot group started in May 2019, and since then, it has evolved into an incredible business program that will definitely change how you run your podiatry business.
I don't think there's any other business training program that is 100% specifically designed for podiatry businesses delivered by a podiatrist.
Two More Things
Firstly, you don't need to go overseas to use this learning method. Approach every day with intent. Keep your ears and eyes open to everything that goes on around you and ask, 'how can I apply that to my podiatry business?'
If you ever say that won't work for me, stop and ask, how can that work for me?
And finally, and this may be a personal takeaway, whenever you travel, take note of what you packed and did not end up using, and then the next time you travel, ask yourself multiple times if you really need it, especially if you've packed it on previous trips and not used it.
Remember, every item you pack adds weight to your bag.
Once again, thank you for reading, and if you have any comments or feedback, I would love to hear from you.
Just send an email to , and if you're really enjoying the podcast, please leave a 5-Star review of Apple Podcasts and tell your podiatry friends.
And remember to check out my YouTube channel, Tyson E Franklin – Podiatry Business Coach, where I'll be uploading this recording and a video with pictures of my trip.
Business Coaching
Are you looking for a Podiatry Business Coach who thinks differently? If you are, please reach out via email and let's have a chat to see if we're a good fit for each other.
Alternatively, you can schedule a 30-minute appointment directly into my calendar by following this link -
Are you SUBSCRIBED to my YouTube Channel, Tyson E Franklin - Podiatry Business Coach? YouTube is where I upload all the uncut videos from my podcasts and other short business tip videos.
Podiatry Business Owners Club
Please visit my group, the Podiatry Business Owners Club, on Facebook if you want to connect with like-minded podiatrists who enjoy business.
12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot
Have you done the 12-Week Podiatry Business Reboot? It will change the way you think about your podiatry business.