204 - Setting Up A Niched Online Physiotherapy Business with Brodie Sharpe


With everything that is happening in the world right now with the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, more and more businesses are asking their team to work from home, so this episode with Brodie Sharpe couldn't have been better timed.

Brodie owns a niched online physiotherapy business aimed at runners called Break Through Running, which can be found online at https://breakthroughrunning.physio/

Today we discuss:

  • The how and why of creating an Online Physiotherapy Business
  • Testing out the processes
  • Using his two podcasts to promote his business and what he is passionate about:
    • Everyday Running Legends Podcast - interviewing runners with great stories
    • Run Smarter Podcast - this podcast is educational and ties in more with the business
  • Lessons learnt from the book Book Yourself Solid by Michael Port
    • Don’t worry about delivering too much information. What you want to do is deliver as much information that you’re uncomfortable with, and then deliver more.
    • Becoming the patients first line of contact, by telling and teaching them everything
    • If you only give teasers of information, they will find the rest of the information they require elsewhere. Teasers are sneaky.
    • If you deliver as much as possible and they will go to you first. 

Online Versus Hands-On

Evidence has proven that the best effective management of a running injury is the correct diagnosis and injury education about how they got the injury and what they can do moving forward

Strengthening, modified training & guidance running programs and stretches can all shown adequately online. A good education gives you long-term results, whereas hands-on treatment is only short term. 

Q: How can you apply this thinking to your own business - not everything needs to be face to face?

If you have any questions about this episode, please email me at email/tf)(tysonfranklin.com. or you can connect with Brodie Sharp on his Facebook group Become A Smarter Runner or on Instagram @brodie.sharpe 

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Podiatry Business Coaching 

One-on-one business coaching and mentoring is the fastest way to get the results you want for your podiatry business. Please send me an email at email/tf)(tysonfranklin.com and let's see if I can help you grow your podiatry business in 2020.  


First 16 Pages of My Book – It’s No Secret There’s Money in Small Business.

If you're a Podiatrist you may prefer to order my first book; It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. 

Bonus: 12 Secrets to Get More People Through Your Front Door.

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