186 - Why Niching Is The Future of Small Business (LIVE) at Business Black Ops, Arizona

For the past five years, I have travelled to Arizona to attend an event called Business Black Ops, organised by David M Frees. There are approximately 35 - 40 attendees each year, and it is by far, one of the most dynamic business groups, which is why I already have the 2020 event in my calendar.

This year I was asked to give two short presentations, and this weeks podcast episode is my first presentation, Why Niching Is The Future of Small Business. 

I want to point out that I recorded this episode using a lapel mic and iPhone, so the quality is less than optimal, but I enjoyed the LIVE aspect of the recording, and I hope you do as well. 

“There’s no such thing as true generalists, or if there is you won’t have heard of them”. - Michael Harf

Today I discuss:

  • Why it's dangerous to try and take on large companies or businesses head-on. 
  • Cheap & easy mass-marketing before the internet and social media 
  • Creating a niche is a smart small business strategy 
  • Knowing your client/customer/patient avatar
  • Speaking the right language to the right avatar 
  • 5 Benefits of Getting This Right
    • Save Money
    • You can double down
    • You get more A & B type clients
    • Creates a happier work environment
    • You can identify excellent opportunities quicker

“Niching is not about selling one product; it’s about selling to one audience.”

If you have any questions about this episode, especially in regards to using a LIVE recording for a podcast, please email me at email/tf)(tysonfranklin.com 

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Podiatry Business Mentoring 

One-on-one business coaching and mentoring is the fastest way to get the results you want for your podiatry business. Please send me an email at email/tf)(tysonfranklin.com and let's see if I can help you in some way. 


First 16 Pages of My Book – It’s No Secret There’s Money in Small Business.

If you're a Podiatrist you may prefer to order my first book; It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry. 

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