Whenever I give a presentation I usually record the audio using a lapel mic and my iPhone, so I can listen back to it later to help with future presentations, and this particular podcast episode is a recording from my visit to Powell River in October 2018 and my marketing presentation to the Powell River Chamber of Commerce.
On this episode I discuss:
- How to know your marketing is working
- Only change your marketing message when it stops working, nit when you're bored with it.
- Why 'Consistent Action Creates Consistent Results'.
- The power of a single message combined with a high-profit margin
- Helicopter marketing
- Planning your marketing over 12-months and take the seasons into account. Are there high and low points throughout the year?
- Newspapers may be declining, but they're still worthwhile reviewing to look for local marketing opportunities
- Don't become a Marketing Zombie?
- Strategy before Tactics is like Diagnosis before Prescription
- Understanding your target market
- Reach Versus Frequency (Beware of Sales Reps)
- Testing & Measuring
- The 6 Pillars of Marketing
- Your website is the mothership
- Why relying on Facebook could be dangerous for your business
- Four questions you should ask before you start a marketing campaign:
- Does it fit your budget?
- Is it going to capture your ideal client?
- What is the return on your investment, ROI?
- Would you get a better ROI elsewhere?
- How To set your prices correctly to assist and support your business, and marketing strategy. (You can be too cheap)
- In regards to BRANDING, are you:
- Premium
- Mid-Range
- Discount
If you have any questions about this podcast episode, please send me an email at
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Podiatry Business Mentoring
If you've considered getting yourself a business mentor or coach this year to help take your podiatry business to the next level, and you're sick and tired of all the beige programs currently on offer, please send me an email at and let's discuss your specific business needs.
First 16 Pages of My Book – It’s No Secret There’s Money in Small Business.
If you're a Podiatrist you may prefer to order my first book; It's No Secret There's Money In Podiatry.