Today I want to discuss why your business should be entering local, state and national business awards.
And the reason I chose this topic about business awards was that one of my coaching clients recently won an award at the Australian Small Business Champions Awards for their dental surgery in Sydney.
I was also talking with a friend of mine, Scott Brown, who is one of the judges for a local business award in Cairns, and it got me thinking about my own experiences entering awards and also all the long-term benefits.
Not Just Big Companies
I'd also like to point out that entering awards is not just for big companies. When my wife and I won the Telstra Small Business Award way back in 2003, we were up against some pretty big companies, and we didn't think our podiatry business stood a chance. Well, we were wrong.
And winning the award opened many unexpected doors.
But We're Already Busy
I know a lot of companies are quite busy, so they may be thinking why do we need to be entering awards?
Well, there are a lot of reasons and here are my top eleven:
- Self Evaluation: It helps you refine your business model, and it gets it out of your head and onto paper.
- Great Publicity: Even as a finalist you will begin to receive PR opportunities, and this makes your brand more visible.
- Networking: You will meet some fantastic people, especially at the awards night.
- Increased Credibility: 3rd party endorsement that your business is doing well. It's not just you saying your business is excellent.
- Boost Team Morale: Awards will motivate your team, recognises their hard work and it will attract new talent.
- Point of Difference: You will stand out from your competitors.
- Marketing: Yes, there are PR opportunities, but most awards allow you to use the awards logo in your future marketing. Think about where you could use this.
- Benchmarking: Sorts the pretenders from the contenders
- Inspires Others: You will inspire others in your profession. When my podiatry business won the Telstra Award it made other podiatrists think, "if Tyson can do it, so can I", and they have. There's been three other podiatry business win the same award over the past fifteen years.
- Client Retention: People are attracted to winning businesses. Client/Customers/Patients want to say, "That's my builder/accountant/podiatrist".
- Impresses Investors: Depending on the size of your business, if you're looking for investors, having won a few awards is not going to do you any harm at all. Once again people want to be part of a winning team.
You Don't Have To Win
Here's the most important thing I want to stress; you don't have to win to be a winner. What you will learn about yourself, your business and your team you cannot put a price on. Regardless of the final result, you will end up with a better business by entering awards.
If you have any questions about this episode, please send an email to me at
WORKSHOP - Biomechanics & Business: Profit From A Better Understanding. Gold Coast 7-8 June BOOK NOW
Every successful podiatrist has an excellent foundation in biomechanics, it's that simple, and this two-day workshop is going to be jam-packed with useful biomechanical information you can apply immediately in your business and with your patients.
In addition to having excellent biomechanical skills, it's equally important to know how to market these skills. You can have the most advanced biomechanical equipment and have acquired biomechanical skills far beyond any of your competitors, but without a well thought out marketing strategy, it will, unfortunately, go unnoticed.
This is why we're bringing Biomechanics and Business together in one 2-Day Workshop.
If you have any questions about this episode, or our Gold Coast Workshop, please email me at