About three weeks ago a friend and fellow Seacret agent, that’s S.E.A.C.R.E.T agent, not Secret Agent, from Canada, Nicole Humphries, was visiting Cairns and while she was here she ran a workshop on leadership. She shared some awesome information and I especially liked her comments about goal setting. “You don’t have to hit every goal, you just need to be moving in the right direction”.
Another topic she discussed, which really stood out and had an impact on me was when she discussed listing your successes and why this was important to do.
It’s really easy to focus on the things we’ve done wrong, especially the most recent ones, but we tend to forget we have far more successes than failures in life and we need to start writing these down and reading them on a regular basis.
Where's my medal?
Every December we take a trip down to the Gold Coast to catch up with family and as part of our annual holiday, we go to the Southport lagoon, grab a kilo of prawns and eat them on the beach. The weather is always perfect and we have a bit of fun feeding the seagulls and pelicans.
Anyway about four-years ago I noticed this young kid about 4-years of age slowly make his way towards the water. I had seen him earlier and knew he was there with his parents, but they had their backs turned away from the water, so they were oblivious he was about to go for a swim.
As he entered the water he quickly disappeared. At that point, I realised no one else noticed him enter the water except for me, and there was no lifeguard on duty, so I got up, went into the water and pull the silly little bugger out to safety.
I gave him a bit of a kick in the pants and told him not to come back in the water without his parents. Twenty minutes later his younger brother did the exact same thing and once again no one noticed but me.
I looked back now and I realise I save two lives that day, and I jokingly said to my wife at the time, “where’s my medal, where’s the newspaper and television reporter when you need one”?
And her reply, “you should just feel good about what you did today”, and she was right I did feel good.
Was that a success?
So let me ask you the question, would you say that was a success? I think you’d agree that it was, but I have not given that day much thought until I started writing a list of my past successes, and these are the types of events that need to be added to this list.
In contrast, in 2003 my wife and I entered and won the Queensland Telstra Business Award, which was a pretty big deal at the time and after winning this award it was splashed all over the newspaper, both state and locally.
We received a lot of accolades, but as the years past so did our memories of the event and how we felt when our names were announced that night. Once again this was a success that needed to be added to our list of successes.
Relive the emotion
Because I’ve started this list of successes I’m now reliving and feeling the emotions from these events in my life,
But why am I telling you this?
I’m telling you these two stories because we all have moments in life that go unnoticed and others that are highly visible, but in the end, it’s up to us to remind ourselves of what we have done and achieved because no one else will do it.
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