Every year I choose a word to use for my yearly focus. I've found it keeps me on track. I’ve only been doing this for the past few years, and for me, it works extremely well, so maybe it's worth considering yourself.
In 2016 my word for the year was ABUNDANCE
When you look up the word abundance it means a state or condition of having a copious quantity of something…plentifulness.
So you need to choose your mindset, do you want abundance or the opposite of abundance, which is scarcity...or lack of.
Which word do you think will produce a more positive outcome for your year?
In 2017 my word for the year was LEARNING
I joking use to say that 2017 was my year of learning and 2018 was my year of earning. (Let's see how 2018 pans out)
Now this doesn’t mean I'm switching off my learning in 2018, it’s just I now have a different word to focus on
So my word for 2018 is CONNECTION.
I want to connect with as many people as I can, not just in my local area or country but worldwide, and when I say connect, I don’t mean just collect more friends or followers.
It’s important to go beyond getting LIKES – it’s about engaging with people.
A connection is not just about connecting with people myself, it’s also about bringing other people together. If I see an opportunity where two people I know can be mutually beneficial to each other – then I’m going to introduce them.
Today's Connections
Today I was doing a podcast recording with Cindy Rodriguez for an upcoming episode (#32) and after our conversation, I said I knew someone who would be a perfect fit for her show, The Fierce Entrepreneur, so I put her in touch with Dennis Friebe who was my guest on Episode #16: The Brilliant Mind of A Magician.
Today I also received an email from Dr Nimesh Patel letting me know how much he enjoyed my short 5-minute podcast episodes and I can't thank him enough.
In fact, it was his email that prompted today’s episode.
No matter what we’re doing true success comes from connecting with people and the deeper the connection the more rewarding the connection.
It's More Than A Like
It’s easy to listen to a podcast to and from work or while walking, but if you're enjoying it, stop for a moment and send the podcast host a message or an honest review.
The next time you're scrolling through Facebook or Instagram, don't just click like or love, instead make a comment on the photo or video, and if you really enjoyed it, share it.
Like I said CONNECTION is my word for the year, it doesn't have to be yours, but if you do choose to connect with people at a deeper level you're going to have a more enjoyable life.
If you have any questions about this podcast or podcast notes please email me at
If you have purchased my book I'd like to thank you. If you're still sitting on the fence and you're not sure if this book is for you, you can download the first 16 pages FREE.
And just before you go I'd like to make you aware of my There's Money in Small Business event being held in Cairns on the 17th - 18th August 2018.
Now if other people are reading my comment they may think, oh she's Tyson's wife (yes, I proudly am) she's probably just saying that to edify her husband. That's quite funny hey Tyson, because that shows they really don't know me. I'm the first to admit that I don't read most of your blogs and posts, why? Hmm mainly because I'm slack and have always been a lazy reader, I'm better at hearing it or sitting in front of someone and being taught. Plus, usually you run all your ideas via me and I hear it first hand from you so I figure I don't need to read what I already heard you passionately talk about. However, until today. Today your word of the year has always interested me, you stick to you, you use it and do what you say every year. I so admire that about you. This year I've actually stopped and thought, wow, that's so awesome, what can my word be? So I was intrigued to know more and to read more about your meaning of your word for the year, 'connection' and what it means to you.
It made so much sense, thank you! Connection, absolutely, I love it! So much so that I think I'm going to steal your idea or maybe just be inspired by your work choice and choose it too. Love you hubby and thank you for always making me think and challenge my thoughts. xxx