Episode 20 - Know, Like & Trust with Tim Hyde

Tim Hyde is based in Canberra and runs a successful marketing agency called Win More Clients. As Tim points out, your digital presence, marketing automation, your social strategy and your brand are all pieces of a much larger puzzle.

Uncle Scrooge

Tim was inspired at the age of six by Golden Books Uncle Scrooge. He didn’t quite know what Uncle Scrooge did, but he knew he owned businesses and made a lot of money. 

This inspired six-year old Tim to create his own circus and charge his friends to attend. It was at this point he got hooked on the idea that people would give you money if you made them happy.

Marketing Maturity

Many companies do not understand that there are multiple stages in a customer lifecycle and you need to nurture your customers onto the next stage of the cycle, it doesn’t happen by itself.

Most traffic that comes to your website leaves straight away, which is good because you didn’t want them to begin with, they were just tyre kickers. 

Some are ready to buy immediately, which is also great, but there’s a huge group in the middle that are your potential customers.

This group needs to be nurtured until they know, like and trust you, and only then will they buy from you.

Customer Lifecycle

It’s all about having patience and diligence to nurture the relationship and you need to understand the customer lifecycle and where that customer is at any given point in time.

Don’t Sell On The First Date

You don’t ask someone to marry you the first time you meet, but often companies try to sell to someone straight away, and yes some people are ready to buy right now, but most are not.

In a relationship a person must first know, like and trust you. As you build the relationship over time, only then can you ask them to marry you and from there you have an engagement, a wedding and a honeymoon, but it doesn’t stop there.

To continue the relationship into the future you must continue to nurture it, by celebrating milestones, such as anniversary’s and birthdays, surprise gifts and date nights.

So even though we can survive on one relationship, our businesses can’t, it relies on hundreds or thousands of relationships and all these relationships will be at different stages in the customer lifecycle.  

Frequency of Purchase

Do you know your clients / customers frequency of purchase? It’s no surprise why ALDI, Coles and Woolworths put catalogues in your letter box every week, it’s because they know most people shop weekly. It’s not about this weeks specials, it’s about continuing the relationship.

Look at the entire customer lifecycle and ask what are you doing really well, where are there holes in your business and where can you get some quick wins by plugging some holes.

Facebook Live

Some businesses will jump onto FACEBOOK live because it’s popular, but they never stop to think where their customers are in their lifecycle and does FACEBBOOK Live really fit.

What’s the purpose of doing Facebook live?

Are you putting out the wrong message? If you are and if you continue to do this it will put people off and they may never come back.

For example, if you were in a bar and walked up to a young lady and immediately started talking, but she clearly wasn’t interested, you need to stop, otherwise you will become annoying and the bouncer will ask you to leave.  

People Buy From People

Do you know your Brand Avatar? Do you know the personality of your business? If your business was a person would it be fun, quirky, likeable, or trust worthy. This personality forms the culture of an organisation and attracts certain people who want to work there and it also attracts a certain type of client.

Client Avatar: Who is your perfect client? Just saying a male or female between the ages of 30 and 40 is no longer good enough. There’s a lot more to it.

Business Avatars and Client Avatars must align.

Avoid Disconnect

If someone ends up on your landing page or website and what they’re searching for cannot be found, it creates disconnect and distrust.

A person that feels uneasy will not purchase.

Have you ever gone to a restaurant with a certain perception of what it will be like, but then it did not match the experience. More often than not you will not go back.  Sometimes you won’t even walk through the front door, purely based on how it looks.

First Language and Second Language

Every industry has their own jargon and when we don’t understand the conversation it makes us feel inadequate and stupid. When we feel this way what do we do? It’s simple, we don’t purchase.

When we don’t feel comfortable we won’t take the next step with that business.

Know, Like & Trust

Relationships are built on likability, credibility and visibility and when you’ve got those three things, when people know, like and trust you, it’s not a question of IF they’re going to work with you, it’s just a matter of WHEN. 

Trust means are you credible.

  • If I know and like you, but don’t think you have any credibility, we’re not doing business.
  • If you’re visible and credible, but not likeable, we’re not doing business.
  • If you’re likable and credible, that’s fantastic, but I don’t know who you are, I can’t give you my money.

You’ve got to tick all of these boxes and remember that we’re building a relationship with our clients over time.

Plug the holes

Often you don’t need more new clients, you need to plug the holes in your relationship lifecycle. You need to know where you’re losing your existing clients.

Generating new business from people that don’t know you is time consuming and an expensive exercise, especially if they’re leaking out of your business just as fast as you’re putting them in.

Tim’s Monday Morning Tip

Go back to all your existing clients, assuming you have a database, and ask them, HOW CAN I HELP YOU? That's Brilliant.   

To connect with Tim visit his website https://www.winmoreclients.com.au or you can email Tim at email/tim)(winmoreclients.com.au

Tim also has a free eBook that can be downloaded directly from his website called The Sales Machine. Simply go to his website and click on Free Stuff.

If you have any questions about this podcast / blog please email me email/tf)(tysonfranklin.com 

Also, if you haven't read my book It's No Secret There's Money in Small Business you can download the first 16 pages for FREE  to see if it's your type of business book, and finally if you want to get more people throuhg your front door, you may like to downlaod and read 12 Secret To Get More People Through Your Front Door


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