Don't Become A Podiatry Zombie

In this week’s video, I want to explain the concept of the "podiatry zombie," a term I use to describe podiatrists who mindlessly follow what others are doing in their businesses without considering if it aligns with their strategy.

I compare this behaviour to zombies in movies—moving aimlessly from one task to the next without thought or purpose.

Many podiatrists fall into the trap of copying marketing tactics or business practices they've seen others use, believing it will work for them too, but this approach often fails because it doesn't consider their unique market, patients, or local needs. The key to success lies in crafting a personalised strategy that reflects the goals of the business and the community it serves.

Podiatrists must stop copying tactics they see others using; they should first define their strategy—understanding the goals they want to achieve—and then select the right tactics to help them reach those goals.

Just because something appears to be working for another podiatrist doesn’t mean it will have the same effect for you, especially if your businesses differ in key aspects.

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